Thanks to everyone who read my last post! I know it was a lot to read...I really did try to keep this post shorter...promise!
Also, a shout out to Aunty Ellie for connecting me with her (and dad's cousin), Sharon Shultz, on Facebook. Sharon's done a lot of work already on exploring her own family tree, and very kindly sent me a couple of documents related to my own search (more on that later). There's a Neimor family group on FB with some pretty interesting reading. Through the hard work & research of others, I've managed to trace my 5x great-grandfather from my dad's side all the back to Jacob (or Jakob) Neumaier, born in 1721 in Seewiesen, Bohmerwald (Bohemian Forest). In trying to figure where exactly
Seewiesen is, I stumbled across a couple of other blogs & web sites written by people in Germany who had traced their own family's move from Bohemia to Bukovina, where, coincidently (???) my great-great-grandfather, Christian Neumohr, was born in 1851. I have no idea if I am distantly related to those people or not, but it seems like there were many families that made that move. I need to learn to read German ASAP!
As I mentioned above, Sharon was kind enough to send me the following three documents (which she got through
- Manifest of "Alien Passengers for the United States" on board the SS Marine Marlin, sailing from Southampton on 28 Feb., 1948, destined for NY.
2. The British version of the ship manifest. This has similar information, but also lists an address in the UK.
Here's what I find interesting...on the American version of the ship's manifest, Oma's nationality/country of citizenship is listed as Great Britain. On the British manifest, there's nothing listed about citizenship, though it does indicate that the country of last permanent residence for my Opa, Oma, and Uncle Len (who was actually born in Oldenberg, NOT England as I had previously posted), is Canada. I don't know if I'm reading more into this than I ought to, and this is just how it was in order to make passage to Canada easier, or if Oma actually had to become a British citizen in order to get into Canada.
3. A copy of the index page for marriages registered un England and Wales in Jan-March of 1948. The only info I can really get from this is that Oma and Opa were married in Paddington district. The volume and page numbers listed are required to get an actual copy of the marriage certificate itself. This may be useful info to have down the line if Aunty Ellie or Aunty Hedy don't have a copy of the marriage certificate itself.
And now for the frustration and patience...
After reading the documents that Sharon sent to me, I was super excited to see what I could find on my own. Specifically, I was hoping to find some record of my Oma's birth, maybe in immigration document with some info about where my grand-parents entered Canada after landing in NY, and possibly something from the war records about my Opa's involvement in WWII. After about 4 hours of searching, and $35.00 worth of "free trials" on, I have yet to find anything birth certificates, no obituaries, no military's like Opa and Oma barely existed! It was NOTHING at all like on "Who Do You Think You Are"?...after today I'm on the verge of thinking that that whole show is just a glorified pro-mo for the website.
One interesting thing I learned is that there was another Hedwig Wachowiak married in the UK. This Hedwig, was married in 1949, after Oma was already in Canada, and her married was Wachowiak, so no family scandal there!
Anyway...I know Uncle Jack has used Ancestry for his Fraser research, I'll have to pick his brain about search tips. The Ancestry site also suggested contacting geneology societies, so I guess I can try that in the mean time. Also looking forward to chatting more with Aunty Ellie and Aunty Hedy in Winnipeg next week.
Thanks for reading. Wish me luck on my search.